Not surprisingly, there are very few plants blooming in my garden right now (as opposed to previous months), but there are some standouts. The camellias, for one, are stunning! Even after a freeze knocks out some blooms, new ones come back. For this month’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, I only have a few blooms to show off, but they sure are pretty!
The above image is an October Magic Bridge Camellia from the Southern Living Plant Collection, which I have in a container by my front door. It waited until December to bloom, but when it did, it produced a ton of flowers at once! Below is a Shi Shi Gashira Camellia from Plants by Mail. It continues to produce new buds and flowers even after freezing weather. I can see why zone 7 is the lower limit for the zones it can tolerate though. Probably can’t handle constant freezing weather.

This year, I bought two amaryllis kits from Home Depot, and they are blooming right now! I was surprised by how easy they were. I also won another one in a giveaway on Twitter from Longfield Gardens.
Both were labeled Red Lion Amaryllis, but clearly one was mislabeled Zoey wanted to be in the picture, so here’s a wide angle shot with her in it
It’s hard to get pictures with natural lighting with the daylight hours being so short. I managed to get a couple shots in this afternoon while the sun was still out. One amaryllis from Home Depot is shortly behind the other in terms of blooming, and the amaryllis from Longfield Gardens is just now putting up new shoots. These will give me blooms through most of winter!
And…some unwelcome violets in the yard are blooming. Can’t seem to get rid of those, so at least I’m getting a few flowers out of it.

Well, that’s it! Not much going on right now, but the the hellebores should be coming soon. Go take a look at May Dreams Gardens for what’s blooming in other gardens around the world right now! Do you have anything blooming right now? Any surprise flowers? Are you growing amaryllis or paperwhites? Let me know in the comments!
Such a pretty white camellia. I can’t have them here, it gets too cold. Not a lot too cold, but too cold for camellias. My mother grew them, but never white. Some of the flowers looked made of wax they were so perfect. Until they weren’t, which happens to soon, and then they are messy!
Yes – freezing weather turns them brown, but thankfully they are easy to deadhead. Glad I am able to have some varieties of camellia in zone 7!
Your Amaryllis are ahead of mine! I have 2 in pots and have planted others in the ground. I had great luck with growing them in the ground in my former garden but not so much in my current garden – I’m blaming our drought, which is my usual scapegoat.
Zoey is a cutie!
I’ve never tried growing them in the ground – what time of year would they bloom? Zoey loves to photobomb!
Love the cameo of your pup! Amaryllis are such gorgeous blooms!
Amaryllis are some of my favorites! Zoey loves to walk right in front of my camera, so I might as well include her from time to time 🙂