I am a math teacher in Nashville, TN who also enjoys gardening in my free time. Part of what I love about gardening is the imperfect unfinished nature of it. There is always something to do – layouts to change, weeds to pull, pests to discourage, compost to create, and new plants to plant!
I have enjoyed gardening from a young age since my mom made me pull off ivy from trees as a chore. I always dreamed of what I could plant in the beds, how I would address the shade, and what layouts I could create in the back “yard”.
Since then, at every apartment and house, I have used whatever amount of space I had to plant various plants. Typically they have been flowers and perennials, but occasionally I have tried my hand at some tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and onions. I look forward to sharing my progress with you and I hope you contribute to the progress by sharing in the comments!